
Astatos bg versiq
Astatos bg versiq

astatos bg versiq

I do not believe the memory is the issue though as i play on a Del alienware laptop with 16GB ram and if i check up on task manager only 20% of my ram is being used while playing wow. I dont think its alot but i still decided to turn some ‘’ high ‘’ memory using addons off to see if it makes any difference. The highest was details using upto 30+MB & sometimes in bg’s my memory was spike upto 50-60MB. So i started checking what addons are using how much memory. It was BACK!!! So i started doing more research and thought maybe its the memory thats causing the lag. Once i reinstalled and hoped the lag wont appear. Addons i use are :-Bartender/SUF/Bigdebuffs/weakauras/DBM/quartz/omnibar/overachiever/healbots/details/kibsilvl/announceinterrupt. So i reinstalled all addons i use to resolve any corrupted files. So i figured that one of the addons is causing the lag. Keep in mind i ran with high graphics at this point and my FPS were pretty above average as well. My normal Ms is 50-60 which is perfect which it was once i played without addons. I initiated the ‘’ CacheOld/InterfaceOld/WTFOld " folders and tried without addons to see if im still lagging to identify whether it were the servers or myself. So I did some research and tried to find the source of the lag. After this I seem to be lagging every single battleground. But recently, On the client I had the option to try out the new Beta version which I did & it reset my whole addon settings. If I did it was mostly on my end of the spectrum. I am writing this thread to get help as I’ve run some diagnostics which I’ll list below but have ran into a brick wall and can’t seem to resolve the issue.Ī month ago or so especially before 8.3 I never had lag issues normally. In open world/dungeons/raids I normally don’t encounter any issues.


Learn how to boost your teaching skills by understanding how to effectively teach guitar to kids.I’ve been recently lagging a lot in battlegrounds primarily. However, many people don't know how to effectively do this and make mistakes that cost them students that would have stayed with them for years. Want to teach guitar for a living but aren't sure how to teach it to kids? No doubt, knowing how to teach guitar to kids is both rewarding and great for growing your guitar teaching business. Ensure yourself a better pathway by learning 5 things to ask if you want to build a music career. This makes it crticial to know the correct things to ask yourself so you stay the course on the right path.

astatos bg versiq

Nevertheless, asking the wrong questions will hurt your chances of making it in the music industry. If you are chasing music career success you will naturally have many questions about how the music business works and how to make it. See how this is done by watching the video in this guitar soloing article. Instead of focusing on which notes you use, focus on how you use them. Want to play amazing guitar solos by making a simple adjustment that makes your playing sound creative? Yes, this is definitely possible and only takes a few minutes to learn.

Astatos bg versiq